Our CROMO IEM-75 Earphones receive an AV Forums Recommended Award
Our CROMO IEM-75 Earphones have just received a great review from AV Forums.
The trusted online community of Audio Visual home consumer electronics enthusiasts have rated them 8/10 overall.
Commenting on their build quality they state that ‘everything feels solid and likely to last’ while ‘the bass response in particular is effortlessly deep’ and ‘the next real surprise that the IEM 75 is impressively sensitive’. Summing them up they conclude that‘they are really quite good’ and are ‘a sensitive, well-built and generally comfortable earphone with great sensitivity and an enjoyable sound’ and ‘if you are looking for a commuting companion, this would be a fine place to start’.
Read the full review here.
You can see more about our CROMO IEM-75 Earphones here.